Similar words: communicate, communication, telecommunications, incommunicado, cooperate with, community, municipal, live with.
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121. Master Boh lies to the people that he can communicate with spirits and randomly predicts the numbers for everyone who wants to win the lottery.
122. One can better communicate with deaf - mutes with good sign language.
123. The novice teacher think that the most important way to improve his PCK is listening to the old teacher's class, communicate with colleagues, because doing so in his daily teaching help is greatest.
124. As Gaines tries to communicate with his men via the walkie-talkie Jack listens in and figures out how to avoid them.
125. Program exchanging : communicate with customer for the initiatory design and optimize it.
126. After leaving the course, please communicate with the golf caddie in time for better service.
127. Once the Red Man could use telepathy to communicate with any other member of the Race regardless of how far away .
128. "Motherese" -- the special voice mother's use to communicate with their babies -- is scientifically recognized.
129. The oral communication expresses ability strong, kind communicate with person.
130. Packet processing is mainly straight with the outside world to communicate with the neighbor switch, and compare the information with the local.
131. This is beneficial, especially when you need to communicate with an existing Web service or client that needs to communicate using a predefined message format.
132. This kind of sensor can measure several parameters simultaneously, improve the use factor of channel, communicate with other devices and also can ask to the center control computer.
133. There was a meeting yesterday, my superior was changed to original director who is my first teacher. The majordomo communicate with me two times because he thought I had complaint.
134. For example, the Helios networking stack expresses a positive affinity for the channels used to communicate with a network device driver.
135. The user can then set up TCP/IP configuration to communicate with other partitions.
136. It uses a serialized message channel in order to communicate with the inspected page.
137. Satellite - A radio relay station that orbits earth. A satellite communications system also includes earth stations which communicate with each other via the satellite.
138. After going through a lot of hardship, she finally learned lip-reading and talking to communicate with others. She met with unkind isolation by her primary school classmates.
139. Every time you need to communicate with interviewer in English, you freeze up. Fear not!
140. The hijacker said he wanted to communicate with the Pope.
141. Perhaps the most common examples of proprietary technology are the so called "t3" services, the most popular of which is the t3 protocol used in place of RMI to communicate with EJB components.
142. But most people still find it difficult to communicate with others in Sinicism English.
143. Using a network bndge designed by ourselves the SCADA which is based on NOVELL can communicate with MIS which is supported by DECNET.
144. A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.
145. A priestess, called the Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went into a trance to communicate with the gods.
146. Porencephalic cysts are usually intraparenchymal and communicate with the ventricle. The surrounding brain parenchyma will be atrophic with accompanying gliosis.
147. Modules with microcontrollers in the system process their signals parallelly, and communicate with host processor by dual port memory.
148. As we discussed in Part 2 of this series, agents use connectors and protocol adapters to communicate with NMS applications or distributed services.
149. This allows a system using one type of message to communicate with a system using another type.
150. The monitor system displayed real-time data of device context in motion picture, at the same time, the system could communicate with expert database system by DDE in real time.
More similar words: communicate, communication, telecommunications, incommunicado, cooperate with, community, municipal, live with, cope with, agree with, in line with, keep pace with, make peace with, interfere with, fall in love with, catch up with, indicate, dedicate, delicate, in accordance with, complicated, sophisticated, immune, munitions, clinical, with, technical, ironically, mechanical, do with.